Friday 27 May 2011



The latest project Guerrilla Gardener and the YCN Warp brief were probably the most fun Ive had as a designer for a long time. The YCN brief was good as it was a collaboration and luckily working with Rob we both got on really well and compromised what to produce and argued why and when designer and putting the product/ submission boards together we both used our time wisely. As Rob was producing the mock-up screenshots for the app, I was producing the website mock-ups and the context of where the app would be used. I was really happy with the final submission boards for the collaboration. We changed the boards several times due to the feedback we were given, as we thought that our concept was hard to communicate how it would work. The YCN work is probably the best project ive produced so far and would probably collaborate again with Rob in the future.

The product, distribution, range brief was the most experimental for work ive produced to answer a brief. The brief was combined mainly from a Botanical typography brief from the IDST and a Hugo Boss street art brief in Berlin. As Guerrilla gardening is still a small subject which a lot of people don’t know to much about it was ideal to produce work for it as the books and products existing had no design to them. As from other briefs where I usually decide after two weeks what I will start to produce this brief I started straight away but mainly with exploring different ideas and the use of different medias. I think that by doing this I had more options when pulling the products together and I could use aspects for future projects if they weren’t used this time. After the PPD sessions where we had to list what design we want to be ect and identify work we were interested in I identified to produce more typography and more original media work instead and type and layout based on a computer.

If I was going to do these briefs again there wouldn’t be to much I would have done differently, for once I think that I have produced a good quantity and quality of work for the time given.

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