Tuesday 14 December 2010

After Effects Notes 3

Snap: Rough Ideas

Dissolve: Rough Ideas

Bounce: Rough Ideas

After Effects Tutorial

After Effects Tutorial from Paul Brandreth on Vimeo.


Dissolve from Paul Brandreth on Vimeo.

Dissolve 1 from Paul Brandreth on Vimeo.


Scale from Paul Brandreth on Vimeo.

Just simple tutorials trying to work with text in After effects rather than importing photoshop/illustrator files.

Scale 2 from Paul Brandreth on Vimeo.

Just put the timeline on for a quick reminder if I forget how to do this for future reference.

Experimenting with Bounce

Bounce Idea from Paul Brandreth on Vimeo.

Ideas there pretty standard for what happens but I just want to produce a few simple 5 second clips to get used to the software before I start advancing. Reminds me of comic relief.

Monday 6 December 2010


Definitions for Bounce
1. to spring back from a surface in a lively manner: The ball bounced off the wall.
2. to strike the ground or other surface, and rebound: The ball bounced once before he caught it.
3. to move or walk in a lively, exuberant, or energetic manner: She bounced into the room.
4. to move along in a lively manner, repeatedly striking the surface below and rebounding: The box bounced down the stairs.
5. to move about or enter or leave noisily or angrily (fol. by around, about, out, out of, into, etc.): He bounced out of the room in a huff.
6. (of a check or the like) to fail to be honored by the bank against which it was drawn, due to lack of sufficient funds.


Definitions for Dissolve
1. to make a solution of, as by mixing with a liquid; pass into solution: to dissolve salt in water.
2. to melt; liquefy: to dissolve sugar into syrup.
3. to undo (a tie or bond); break up (a connection, union, etc.).
4. to break up (an assembly or organization); dismiss; disperse.
5. Government . to order the termination of (a parliament or other legislative body).
6. to bring to an end; terminate; destroy: to dissolve one's hopes.
7. to separate into parts or elements; disintegrate.
8. to destroy the binding power or influence of: to dissolve a spell.
9. Law . to deprive of force; abrogate; annul: to dissolve a marriage.


Definition of snap.
1. to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip; crackle.
2. to click, as a mechanism or the jaws or teeth coming together.
3. to move, strike, shut, catch, etc., with a sharp sound, as a door, lid, or lock.
4. to break suddenly, esp. with a sharp, cracking sound, as something slender and brittle: The branch snapped.
5. to act or move with quick or abrupt motions of the body: to snap to attention.
6. Photography . to take a photograph, esp. without formal posing of the subject.
7. to make a quick or sudden bite or grab (often fol. by at ).
8. to utter a quick, sharp sentence or speech, esp. a command, reproof, retort, etc. (often fol. by at ).
9. to be radiant; sparkle; flash, as the eyes.

Need to look at the movement of the action.
What typography to use? Something thin & fragile